Multilingual Learners
The Multilingual Learner department at Norwich Public Schools, is committed to offering the highest quality services for our diverse community of learners. We feel strongly about equity and inclusion and making sure that all students have access to high quality education aligned with the district’s educational framework.
Do you need an interpreter to communicate with your child's school or district? The solution is here!
Norwich Public Schools is providing interpretation services through Language Line Solutions, for families to use when calling into a school or office in the district. The option is available to speakers of Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cantonese, Mandarin and Portuguese only. Call 1-833-341-0878.
When equity barriers are removed, and teaching practices are inclusive and accessible to all students, every student will achieve social/emotional, linguistic and academic growth and success.
The Multilingual Learner Department aims to create culturally responsive and inclusive classrooms where EL students are supported to participate actively with grade level peers, and achieve their academic goals, becoming active contributors to their society as global-minded citizens.
CSDE Launches Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners (ELs/MLs)
On January 3, 2024, the State Board of Education adopted the Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners (ELs/MLs). This resource organizes and elevates the rights that parents have to language access and affirms the access that ELs/MLs have to grade-level content, language instruction programs, and interventions. Since its adoption, the CSDE has had the document translated into the 16 most commonly used languages in Connecticut. We are pleased to announce that the Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners site page is now available on the CSDE Website and includes the document in English as well as the translated versions. More information and guidance regarding the July 1, 2024, implementation is forthcoming and will be posted on the page and through other relevant communication channels.
- Bilingual Education Program
- Bilingual and Bicultural
- CT State Resources
- Delivery of Services
- Free English Classes
- Family Resources
- Interpreter Services for Families
- Immigrant Resources
- Student Resources