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About Norwich Public Schools

City of Norwich downtown

Who We Are 

Norwich Public Schools is an urban district nestled in the quaint city of Norwich, Connecticut. Norwich, known as the "Rose of New England" was incorporated in 1784. Norwich is a city rich in diversity and history.

We serve approximately 3,600 students every year through our 10 locations within the City of Norwich. We operate one early learning center, seven elementary schools, two magnet middle schools, a 9-12 transition academy, and a Regional Adult Education program. Our 8th-grade students have the opportunity to apply from a variety of local high school programs, such as Norwich Free Academy, Norwich Technical High School, Ledyard Agri-Science Program, LEARN Regional Magnet Schools, Bacon Academy, Grasso Technical High School, and other local programs.

Norwich Public Schools employs more than 800 dedicated professionals who provide support to our schools, our students and their families, every day.

We're committed to inspiring and engaging our learners to reach their highest potential. Norwich Public Schools has been serving the City of Norwich for nearly 150 years, with the opening of our first school in 1875. 

In partnership with our Transition Academy and Regional Adult Education, we're committed to developing real-life skills, serving our community, and ensuring bright futures through family and community partnerships. 

Who We Serve

We're proud to support our diverse learning communities within Norwich. Approximately 34.5% of our students are Hispanic/Latino, 29.6% are White, 18.5% are African American, 6.4% are Asian, and 1% are Native American. 


Our Vision

To enable each child to reach his/her full potential.

Our Mission

The Norwich Public Schools will provide each student a rigorous, effective teaching and learning environment where equity is the norm, excellence is the goal, student health and safety is assured.


Amber Scribner

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent

Chelsea Wilbur

Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent