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Board of Education

Exterior of 90 Town Street Office

Board of Education Goals

The Board of Education believes that the ultimate goal of an education in the district schools should be to prepare each student for a world of rapid change and unforeseeable demands, while retaining the basic values and democratic principles of the American culture. Further, the district has outlined student and professional learning goals for us all as members of our educational community.

As a reminder, when the BOE is in person public comments are done by emailing Amber Rutigliano at by 3:00PM on the day of the meeting or by joining us in person and signing up to speak.  There will be a clipboard by the door for you to sign up if you wish to speak, and we will call people up to the microphone when it is their turn. As a reminder, all BOE Members and Central Office staff are not allowed to respond to public comments during the scheduled BOE meeting time. Public comments will only be addressed by the BOE Chair and/or appropriate Administrators from the Central Office after the meeting is adjourned.

Meeting Agendas & Board Policies

Latest Board of Ed Meeting

BOE News & Announcements

To access recordings of past BOE meetings, please visit our YouTube channel or click on a news story below to access the meeting recording and agenda. 

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Student Policy Videos

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Appointments & Committee Members


Past Meetings

Norwich Public Schools Budget Archive

Title IX Regulations and Training Materials