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Closings, Delays & Early Dismissals

Two kids making snow angels

Norwich Public Schools communicates any school closures, delays and early dismissals to parents/guardians through ParentSquare and our District Social Media pages. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date with the Registration Office to receive timely notifications through ParentSquare If you are not receiving ParentSquare notifications, contact your child’s school to ensure you are opted in for notifications through text, call and/or email.

You can also sign-up for third party school closure notification through local news outlets (WFSB, FOX 61, WTNH & NBC).

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Modified Day Schedules

Weather Delay & Cancellation FAQ's


Two Hour Delay

Transportation will arrive approximately 2 hours later than your child's regular pickup time. This includes "out of town" transportation. Please continue to listen for updates, as a 2-hour delay may become a full cancellation if conditions do not improve as anticipated. 

School Closure 

When Norwich Public Schools announces a school closure, there will be no transportation to any schools in Norwich, out-of-town schools, after school programs or evening activities. 

Other Emergencies

There may be instances where it becomes necessary to evacuate the school in order to ensure the safety of our students. Students will be transported to another site where they will continue the school day. Parents will be notified via ParentSquare as soon as information is available, and will receive updates throughout the entirety of the event until it is safely resolved. Under the advice of Norwich Police Department, we recommend that school phone lines be kept clear of all incoming calls in order to avoid creating a secondary hazard. 

If deemed safe by emergency personnel, students will be transported home on their regular bus at the end of the school day. “Walker” students will be transported back to their home school where they will be met by parents, or walk home along their regular route. Students enrolled in the before and after school program will be transported back to the school.

Downtown Norwich, CT covered in snow.